Tuesday, 30 October 2012



A book

I have a book. Probably my friends see it already. I wrote things in there and I drew.. It's not a dairy. It's something for me to write on when I'm lonely. Now I'm writing a story for myself to read it whenever I want too. It's only a short one.. I sketch Al-Imran Shah, but it didn't really look like him? Maybe I was born not to be great at art or sketching.. Possible. Maybe someday I post photos of what I sketch.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Whats new?

Hello there. Hadn't been posting anything in here lately.. I was busy finding jobs! This time I don't know wether I got one of the job that I applied for yesterday. My twin sister has start working like last week? I'm here waiting for the call. Belum ada rezeki.. My friends planning to have class outing which is this Saturday on the 20th. Most of my closes friends are busy working and they don't really know wether they can get off on that day.. I'm free, no job yet. But eventually that is not a class outing. That is for one of my friend birthday party? That made me real frustrated and don't even feel like going. They wanna school vulgarities thats thier problem. They say this is the class outing, but really it's not.. But I really wanna go. Fickle minded. Imran starts his O'level already. Which is today.. ALL THE  BEST AL-IMRAN SHAH! :D And you know what, his really getting cute this days :b hehe

Friday, 5 October 2012

Graduation Day 2012 (28/09/12)

Eventhough I hated to be mixed with the T1 students. But ended up. I'm going to miss them too. Both T1 and T2 classes we don't like each other. We fought almost everyday. But now, we're kindda close. So much different personality. I just love 4T1. But no matter what I will always love the T2's better (':
Okay lah. Love you all! Don't amik hati.
Hopefully all of us will pass with flying colours! And go out to the real world and still be in touch! Insya'allah amin..
 Adam Muhammad Haikal (BESTFRIEND)
 Muhammad Syafiee (favourite)
 *middle Nur Faezah Faizal (always beside me)
 Best Math Teacher EVER! Mr.Aidil
 Nur Afifah (favourite)

 Best Vice Principal EVER! Mr. Casey Mui
 My motivation Ms. Ruth Lim

Most of my classmate going to Prom night :3 I'm sure the boys gonna asked my friends to be thier prom date (': TIME TO SHINE! Me? No date :3 hehe