Friday, 31 August 2012

Which one do you prefer? Cats or Dogs?

I don't like cats. But I love kittens. It sounds ridiculous to some of you. But really, they are scary to me. I hate seeing thier eyes, cause it scares me so much and sometimes I'll get phobia of it. I like cats and I do touch them and sayang them. But not always. Some cats I like. Most of it I don't. And also my mum don't allows me to touch cats, because she's afraid my asthma might come back again.
I prefer dogs. Because they look cuter then cats. Thats just my thing. It's just people have different like and dislikes. I don't think of wanting a dog and even I can't own a dog cause I'm an Islam. I just love looking at dogs, admiring their cute sad eyes. And further more some dogs are well trained. I like that.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

CCA records! ^^

Alhamdulillah I got A2 for my CCA. And got 2 points! (': #happygirl #NCCalltheway!

Sunday, 19 August 2012


Didn't take a lot of pictures for the first day. Theres more pictures my cousin will post in facebook.