Monday, 30 July 2012

About him

Okay yes another post. I talked to him last Thursday, somehow I irritate him;/ I just wanted to know why must he ignore me. Trying so hard to avoid me. Lastly he answered. I don't want to tell. Cause then it'll hurts.. Those sentence is stuck in my mind and it kept repeating in my mind, my confidence of course went down.. Counted as today too. It's been four days I tried not to talked to him. I know it's not a big deal for anyone else. But for me, of course it is. Trying to ignore someone you liked or loved reallyyyy hard, tough, suffer so much words can describe that feeling right? Not being able to meet him not talked to him.. It's not good really. I've haven't heard anything about him. It worries me. I want to know wether his doing fine. I talked about him everyday. I dreamed about him. Staring at me holding my hands while crying. The same dream all over again. Weird isn't it?

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