As you all know. Tomorrow is the first day of puasa! :3 YAY! hehe. Tonight solat terawih.. I'm sooo exicted cause fasting is here and when one month is up! There goes Hari Raya! Later must wake up for sahur.. Attend school as pernormal. But later in my class comfirm there will be stupid nonsense making a reason saying "I don't want to play fasting seh" "Today I never fasting because I never wake up for sahur" all the stupid reasons every year! Grow up. You guys are old enough to handle fasting right. Hais! Nevermind it's them. Not me. Hopefully I puasa full month. Insya'allah. My mum says "puase tak boleh sedih,tak boleh marah, tak boleh rase dengki kat orang, tak boleh pegang lelaki and tak boleh nagis atau pun makimaki"
I always remind that to myself whenever I'm fasting.
So Selamat Berpuasa untuk orang islam semue! :3 *in advance:P*